Te Kura Moekaʻa
Graduate of Victoria University of Wellington. Currently resides in Rarotonga, Cook Islands where I work as a Policy and Legal Officer at the National Environment Service.
Outside of work I love sport and occasionally will pick up a pen and paper and write.
Fun Fact: I am a twin! The elder.
-paomu- Kua aruru te paomu. Te moana e te enua kua takinokinoia e te tangata. -Bomb- The bomb went off. This has damaged our ocean and land. (Damage brought on by man made weapons) In light of both Cook Islands Language week and Fact Tuesday for Nuclear Testing in the Pacific - the literal and figurative means of 'bombing' ones land, ocean and culture has been detrimental in the survival of people and humanity. The declining use of the Cook Islands Maori language in our communities (diasporic, autonomous, homogeneous?) is saddening and alarming. The nuclear testing that occurred in our Pacific Ocean has been a constant reminder of the influence the 'other' has had on our livelihood in and of the Pacific. (Mostly negative!) And in the wake of Elections in New Zealand - the 'bombardment of broken promises is really upon us? Waiting for the next bombshell?? F Bomb! #new #clear #ways #cook #islands #language #week #bombs #away |